The use of social media and video content has become increasingly popular in recent years, as Cisco predicts that video content will make up 82% of online traffic in 2022. It is no secret that the beauty industry is one of the largest industries and is a major influence on social media. In order to stay relevant amongst competition, beauty brands must incorporate video content into their marketing strategy. It is essential for beauty brands to know what content resonates best with their audience. There are several different types of content that beauty brands can utilize to increase brand awareness, drive conversions, and expand their online influence.
Product Spotlight
Product spotlight videos are a great way for beauty brands to call attention to particular product features and benefits in detail, which works to drive awareness. This can be used to boost lesser known products or to showcase popular products. This is one of the most used types of video content by beauty brands. It is essential for beauty brands to highlight what their product does differently to compel customers to buy their products over a competitor’s product. These videos should quickly inform viewers about what the product has to offer them, how they will benefit from it, and why they should buy it. Product spotlight videos can also show the product in action, or, a before and after of using the product.
Tutorials & How-To’s
Tutorial and how-to videos are a great way for a brand to show their products in action. Tutorials can highlight the unique features of a product that set it apart from the competition. Brands can use these videos to provide tips to customers on how to best use their products and educate viewers on how the product should be used. This type of content is a good way to drive conversions by encouraging customers to try out a product after bringing awareness to it. Many beauty brands utilize YouTube for these types of videos and will work with beauty influencers on their personal platforms to create paid, user-generated content. Some brands are starting to use TikTok and Instagram Reels to create shorter product tutorial videos, as these platforms are becoming more popular amongst younger viewers.
Product Reviews
Within the beauty industry, 99% of active customers read ratings and reviews when shopping for beauty products online. Many customers within the beauty industry make product review videos on social media, making product reviews are extremely important for beauty brands. These videos detail the customers first impression and overall experience with the product or brand. Video reviews made by real customers helps influence others to buy the product by sharing a positive experience they had with a brand’s product. Many beauty brands partner with beauty influencers that have a larger following in order to increase their reach and brand awareness. These beauty influencers will make content to post about the product on their own social media platforms. Most influencers will make videos detailing a product review, tutorial, or first impression. This brings awareness to the brand, or product, and allows the brand to reach a new audience than they are able to on their own social platforms. This is a very common marketing practice within the beauty industry.
Sharing who the brand is and what they stand for is essential for increasing brand awareness and building an emotional connection with like-minded customers . Storytelling videos help brands to stand out amongst competition and make their brand name known within the industry. Many beauty brands are pushing for more ethical beauty practices and market these practices to cultivate more customers. A lot of brands use storytelling videos to discuss their ethical beauty practices, such as cruelty-free or vegan products. The importance of cruelty-free and vegan beauty products has skyrocketed in recent years. Many companies are using this to their advantage to stand out from the competition. These attributes show that the brand is warm, caring, and unique from other beauty brands that don’t share these same values.
User Generated Content
User Generated Content (UGC) is customer-made content that conveys an authentic experience with a brand. Creating original and authentic content is important to customers, in fact, 60% of marketers agree that authenticity and quality are equally important elements of successful content. Many customers will post content on their own social media about a brand without being paid, which brands can then use this content for free on their own social media. However, many UGC creators now are doing paid partnerships with brands to create content for them. This type of content is becoming more popular and helps a brand to stand out in a saturated market. Sharing authentic content from real customers portrays the brand to be more trustworthy. Customers are 2.4x more likely to say UCG content is most authentic compared to branded content. This is because people are more likely to trust other people like themselves.
How Curator Helps Beauty Brands Manage Video Content
Managing multiple types of video content across several different platforms can be a major challenge. Using a smart Media Asset Management (MAM) system, such as Curator, enables beauty brands to get the most out of their video archive. Curator provides a simple solution for editing, organizing, and distributing video content. Curator incorporates the use of AI-powered tagging, allowing creatives to easily search for and find any assets they need. This helps brands to easily reuse content for multiple campaigns. Beauty brands can easily convert video clips from commercials into shorter videos for social media campaigns. Beauty brands can use Curator to maintain brand consistency by posting video content across multiple platforms to increase brand awareness and stand out against competitors.
To learn more about how Curator can benefit your beauty brand, set a meeting with Gabrielle below!
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