New media asset management software enables Hollywood’s leading movie trailer producers to securely collaborate and create without constraint from home
As global events force a change in the way people have to work, CuratorNow gives Trailer Park Group the functionality they need to seamlessly continue to produce secure, high-level content for their clients at full capacity from home. IPV CEO Mark Fagan said: “As the world headed into temporary lockdown, Trailer Park Group realised that they needed a robust solution to enable their editorial team to continue to deliver new material for their clients under these unprecedented circumstances. “The nature of their work required a rapid deployment solution that would both scale to meet their urgent needs but also give major studios the assurance that their content was secure even in the current, highly disruptive environment.” Trailer Park Group CEO, Rick Eiserman, said: “Video editing brings a unique set of challenges to working from home so finding a robust, cloud editing solution was absolutely critical for Trailer Park Group. With over 300 creatives working on projects for the world’s top media and entertainment clients, we required a state-of-the-art product that both we and our clients can trust. IPV’s CuratorNow provides us with a level of security that is unmatched by our competitors, allowing our producers and editors to work seamlessly offsite while keeping all of our assets in our on-premise secure media storage. More broadly and looking into the future, this partnership also expands our international capability by allowing us to provide on-premise security to working on international productions in real time. Additionally, as our partners expand globally, we can now also service their regions with local talent—all under the umbrella of Trailer Park Group’s trust and security. Above everything, we’re always committed to finding the best ways of working, protecting our business and clients, and doing great work and we’re delighted to partner with IPV.” In keeping with current circumstances, IPV will remotely fast-start deployment and training on CuratorNow for Trailer Park Group within days. IPV’s Fagan said, “Irrespective of the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in worldwide, it didn’t take long to capture the imagination with the possibilities CuratorNow. It’s easy to install, easy to learn, and can be in production the day it’s deployed to continue operations while doing its part to enable users to be as safe as possible. We can’t wait to see what Trailer Park create over the coming months and are proud to welcome them to our growing community of customers.” About Trailer Park GroupHeadquartered in Hollywood, California, Trailer Park Group is the leading global entertainment marketing company, counting many of the world’s most prestigious and successful companies, brands, media properties and film franchises among its clients. Driven by a proprietary data, insights and strategy practice, Trailer Park Group consistently creates breakthrough creative across all digital, social, television, print, in-theater and physical space via its three divisions: Trailer Park (Video), Art Machine (Design), and Mirada (Live Action and Experiential). |
About IPVIPV is a leading media asset management software provider whose flagship product, Curator, allows world renowned brands to intelligently create, search and automate video content at game-changing speeds. Based in Cambridge, UK, its customer base includes some of the world’s most successful broadcasters, content creators and blue-chip organisations active in markets ranging from retail to space exploration.
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