In the October edition of TVBEurope – which is out this week – our product manager James Varndell talks about media asset management content ingest issues. With several technology vendors marketing watch folders, James explains the technology’s limitations and what other better options there are for the ingest of assets from on-location shoots into your media asset management system.
The article outlines where users can benefit from watch folders, a functionality in which a chosen application will watch a folder in a specified location, and undertake an action whenever something is added to it. In his article, James explains that throughout post-production this should be a welcome prospect. But for the content ingest, it’s a risky business because it’s a process that needs to be done with precision and thought.
Why better workflow management is preferred for media asset management
Instead, we highly recommend the use of high-grade workflow management tools that are linked to an media asset management system. This lets users ingest production media, add metadata and more easily choose where content should be saved. That means it remains beneficial to editors right the way throughout the production chain.
Deploying these workflow management tools, systems like Curator can make sure that assets remain completely intact. This means editors always have everything they need in their media asset management system to create the best possible content. So they won’t have to start edits with incomplete information, ultimately providing a much more efficient process and saving expensive time-consuming operations.
You can read the full article Why watch folders won’t meet your content ingest needs in this month’s issue of TVBEurope available here.
For more information on the best way to ingest your media so that you can make the most of it, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
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